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Albert Heijn

Attention-based Neural Networks in Recommender Systems

less than 1 minute read


As in previous years, Albert Heijn’s Data Science department partnered with Erasmus University Rotterdam for the 10-week case study course in the Econometrics Master Programme. The case goal was to improve Albert Heijn’s loyalty programme, known as Mijn Bonus Box. The students of the Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing specialisation developed their ideas and models in teams of four under my guidance. All proposed solutions are highly impressive and the generated insights are utilised by the AH Data Science department. Read more

Attention Mechanism

Attention-based Neural Networks in Recommender Systems

less than 1 minute read


As in previous years, Albert Heijn’s Data Science department partnered with Erasmus University Rotterdam for the 10-week case study course in the Econometrics Master Programme. The case goal was to improve Albert Heijn’s loyalty programme, known as Mijn Bonus Box. The students of the Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing specialisation developed their ideas and models in teams of four under my guidance. All proposed solutions are highly impressive and the generated insights are utilised by the AH Data Science department. Read more

Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Erasmus University

Attention-based Neural Networks in Recommender Systems

less than 1 minute read


As in previous years, Albert Heijn’s Data Science department partnered with Erasmus University Rotterdam for the 10-week case study course in the Econometrics Master Programme. The case goal was to improve Albert Heijn’s loyalty programme, known as Mijn Bonus Box. The students of the Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing specialisation developed their ideas and models in teams of four under my guidance. All proposed solutions are highly impressive and the generated insights are utilised by the AH Data Science department. Read more

Generative AI

Mixed-Type Tabular Data


Why do people contribute to the R? – concolusions from a new PNAS article

less than 1 minute read


People contribute to R for various reasons, which evolves with time. The main reasons appear to be: “fun coding”, personal commitment to the community, interaction with like-minded and/or important people – leading to higher self-esteem, future job opportunities, a chance to express oneself and enjoyable social inclusion. Read more

Neural Networks

Attention-based Neural Networks in Recommender Systems

less than 1 minute read


As in previous years, Albert Heijn’s Data Science department partnered with Erasmus University Rotterdam for the 10-week case study course in the Econometrics Master Programme. The case goal was to improve Albert Heijn’s loyalty programme, known as Mijn Bonus Box. The students of the Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing specialisation developed their ideas and models in teams of four under my guidance. All proposed solutions are highly impressive and the generated insights are utilised by the AH Data Science department. Read more

Open Source

Why do people contribute to the R? – concolusions from a new PNAS article

less than 1 minute read


People contribute to R for various reasons, which evolves with time. The main reasons appear to be: “fun coding”, personal commitment to the community, interaction with like-minded and/or important people – leading to higher self-esteem, future job opportunities, a chance to express oneself and enjoyable social inclusion. Read more


Why do people contribute to the R? – concolusions from a new PNAS article

less than 1 minute read


People contribute to R for various reasons, which evolves with time. The main reasons appear to be: “fun coding”, personal commitment to the community, interaction with like-minded and/or important people – leading to higher self-esteem, future job opportunities, a chance to express oneself and enjoyable social inclusion. Read more


Why do people contribute to the R? – concolusions from a new PNAS article

less than 1 minute read


People contribute to R for various reasons, which evolves with time. The main reasons appear to be: “fun coding”, personal commitment to the community, interaction with like-minded and/or important people – leading to higher self-esteem, future job opportunities, a chance to express oneself and enjoyable social inclusion. Read more

R community

Why do people contribute to the R? – concolusions from a new PNAS article

less than 1 minute read


People contribute to R for various reasons, which evolves with time. The main reasons appear to be: “fun coding”, personal commitment to the community, interaction with like-minded and/or important people – leading to higher self-esteem, future job opportunities, a chance to express oneself and enjoyable social inclusion. Read more

Recommender Systems

Attention-based Neural Networks in Recommender Systems

less than 1 minute read


As in previous years, Albert Heijn’s Data Science department partnered with Erasmus University Rotterdam for the 10-week case study course in the Econometrics Master Programme. The case goal was to improve Albert Heijn’s loyalty programme, known as Mijn Bonus Box. The students of the Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing specialisation developed their ideas and models in teams of four under my guidance. All proposed solutions are highly impressive and the generated insights are utilised by the AH Data Science department. Read more

Synthetic Data