Why do people contribute to the R? – News coverages
Open source software packages like WordPress and Firefox have been major influences on modern computing. In statistics, open source software known as “R” has become the most popular environment for statistical computation and data analysis. A recent paper in PNAS studied the developers who make this software so successful to understand what motivates them and why they find contributing satisfying.
You can read the full article about our paper Motivation, values, and work design as drivers of participation in the R open source project for statistical computing on arstechnica.
We have also been featured in several Austrian press releases (der Standard: Open Source Entwicklung: Zusammenarbeit als Motivationsfaktor, APA: Mitmachen motiviert) and major broadcasters (ORF: Warum Forscher gerne gratis arbeiten)- all in German (sorry).
Well, I wish all of my work received that much attention…